Tag Archives: HCI Fitness PhysioCycle RXT buy

HCI Fitness PhysioCycle RXT

HCI Fitness PhysioCycle RXT Product Description The PhysioCycle RXT is the ideal product for consumers and Healthcare facilities that are looking for a versatile exercise product that provides a smooth and enjoyable total body workout. The PhysioCycle RXT has been designed so that the user can select from or combine exercise modalities which include; UBE (bi-directional upper body ergometer), Recumbent Elliptical, Recumbent Stepper, and 7 preset programs with 8 levels of resistance.

This review is from: HCI Fitness PhysioCycle RXT
My Physical Therapist recommended that I purchase a Nustep , but after reviewing the costs I could not afford it. Searching the internet, I found the PhysioCycle that provides a recumbent elliptical workout plus an UBE. I showed it to my therapist and he gave it his approval. I have had it 2 weeks know and love it. It is great being able to work out in the convenience of my home.

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Posted by on August 18, 2011 in Exercise Bikes


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