Tag Archives: Lemond RevMaster Pro best buy

Lemond RevMaster Pro

Lemond RevMaster Pro Product Description When our customers get to test ride all of our indoor cycles, they usually gravitate to the Revmaster because it is so smooth, quiet and sturdy. The Revmaster is so solid that it feels like it is bolted to the ground. With the smooth feel you have come to equate with Lemond bikes, but also offering users some exciting new benefits and features. The next generation LeMond RevMaster offers you some great upgrades to the classic model. For maximum riding comfort, the new narrower crank design replicates the geometry of a great road bike. New Cam handles and increased adjustment ranges to seat and handlebars create the best custom fit available and gives you greater muscle involvement. The 4-way microfit also lets you cycle in an upright position or pedal stretched out and low, which is ideal for triathletes. Improved corrosion resistance by using electroless nickel plating and a new 2 piece bottom bracket cartridge make the RevMaster Pro even easier to maintain and service – with most components pre-assembled. **100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION** The RevMaster is manufactured to the most exacting standards – with 100% of all bikes tested prior to final packaging to insure customer satisfaction. This allows us to offer you an exceptional warranty.

This review is from: Lemond RevMaster Pro – Monitor NOT INCLUDED
We originally were trying to save money and so purchased a chain driven spinner for less than $300.00 in light of the really good reviews for that bike. It was loud, noisy, and the tension had very little range. We returned it immediately. I love to spin and have spinned on a Lemond Revmaster Sport, Star Trac NXT, Star Trac Elite, and the cheapest Star Trac model. The Lemond Revmaster by far is the smoothest one. It allows for micro adjustments, which is important as I am 5 feet tall and my husband is 5′ 11″. We decided to go for it and purchased the Lemond Revmaster Pro. It is well worth every dollar. It is smooth due to the fact that it is belt driven as opposed to chain driven. It has a large range of tension. It feels like a road bike for indoor use. The handlebars are ergonomically designed too! We love this machine and I would highly recommend it if you are serious about spinning. Spinning is a great low impact cardio workout. You can burn so many calories in just a 30 minute workout. Very efficient. I would not try to save money and get the best out there. I also did ad nauseum research before purchasing this spin bike.

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Posted by on July 29, 2011 in Exercise Bikes


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