Tag Archives: Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor price

Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor Product Description The “DFT” Digital Filter Technology uses a sensor to detect and isolate only the essential pulse oscillation. It helps eliminate other noise factors, leading to quick and reliable measurement capability. This also helps avoid over-tightening of the cuff on the wrist.The monitor lights up if you are moving during a reading, alerting you to the fact that your reading will not proceed unless you stop moving.The Automatic Memory Feature Saves your Readings and allows you to capture 84 readings (42 memory readings x 2 persons) and save them to track the readings over time.The cuff easily folds into the built-in storage case for added convenience. The Color Confirmation System Helps You Understand Your Readings, the monitor uses a 3-color light system to indicate if your reading falls in the Hypertension, Prehypertension or Normal Range: Systolic – Red: Hypertension (over 140),Yellow: Prehypertension (130-139),Green: Normal (under 129)

This review is from: Panasonic EW3122S Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (Silver)
I’ve had this for about two years now. My doctor asked me to go out and buy a blood pressure monitor for your arm not for your wrist. I brought it into him and he took my blood pressure the conventional way and with the Panasonic one I purchased. Both were accurate. He took down the model number and was going to recommend it other patients who were looking for one.

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Posted by on August 16, 2011 in Blood Pressure


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